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This is Water by David Foster Wallace

David Foster Wallace‘s 2005 commencement speech to the graduating class at Kenyon College is a timeless trove of wisdom.

This is Water

“Greetings parents and congratulations to Kenyon’s graduating class of 2005. There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes “What the hell is water?”

The Magic Mantra

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad

This is the story of the Ek Ong Kar Mantra and how it became my much loved and favorite Magic Mantra for connecting, releasing and transforming negativity into positivity and optimism.

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First a little history, a couple of love stories and a little culture.

Anjou was born in the city of Ludhiana, located in the Indian state of Punjab. According to her parents, Anjou was conceived at the foothills of the Himalaya on their honeymoon.

How you get your start in the world is everything.

CUPID: Musing About LOVE

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– dedicated to the memory of Anjou MacPherson (1959 – 2012)
By Andrew John Harrison

L. O. V. E.

I often ponder what it is
where it comes from
why so many people long for it and yet deny themselves

Art de Vivre – Joie de Vivre

It’s all about personal quality of life. What good is it to have wealth, power, influence and yet feel miserable?

It is easy to rush through life, from meeting to meeting, event to event and not even notice the details. Small things. Important things.

Numb seems to be the new normal for many people. Is it any wonder that drug use is at an all-time high? The path from numb to joy of living is long, winding and often akin to playing snakes and ladders. “Back to square one” seems an all too often occurrence.

Unlike board games, in life we can never go back. No matter how it feels we can never unlearn an experience because every event, every moment forever changes us. What we can do is change our mind about what the experience means. Old experiences can offer new lessons.

Accepting emotions – all of them – is the “secret sauce” to experiencing joy in life. Rushing serves to deepen the numbness… lingering opens up the flavors of experience and allows the senses to activate. Feelings rise. Both wanted and unwanted.

Instead of crashing through life, designing a career, a certain amount of money… what would happen if one lived as if life itself were a work of art?

Become your own artist and infuse art into everything you do…

Art de Vivre: your smile… your hair… your clothes… your work… your house… your car… your cup of coffee… your expression… your posture… your writing… your cooking… your dinner setting… your afternoon snack… your hand holding… your conversation… your travel… your love notes… your attitude… your dreams… your nightmares… your lovemaking… your decor… your office… your voicemail… your entertaining… your values… your beliefs… your vacations… your expression when you eat… your hug when you meet a friend… your handshake when you meet a stranger… your desert… your nutrition… your hydration… your garden… your sunglasses… your shoes… your socks… your aging… your death…

Yes! All of life is art. Mastering the joy of living – in the moment – with people you love is what makes life worthwhile.

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Flow no Flow

What doesn’t flow is also flow
blocks to flow provide guidance
guidance is invaluable and rare
opinions are everywhere

everyone has an opinion
gleaned from experience + interpretation
do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that

flow has no opinion
no one can argue with flow
yet so many people insist on going against the flow
or they surrender and float downstream
this is meaningless
for even a dead fish can float downstream

do not be a dead fish

engage with and respond to flow
create flow
follow flow
share flow with others

look for flow no flow
know when to apply force to no flow
and when to let go

Sometimes things don’t flow
because an “attitude” needs adjusting
an expectation needs re-setting

subtle feelings reveal flow
this is void if you are numb
numb is as close to nearly dead as you can get
dead is the total absence of flow

spend time with numb people and you will experience no flow
crazy people have lots of flow… all over the place
subtle wont work on numb
bricks, sledge hammers and massive force are what works

desperate, terror, lost, lonely, sad, angry, happy, are all degrees of flow
they don’t all go in the same direction
some lead up – others lead down
whatever you wont feel – you will suppress
suppression leads to no flow
flow leads to freedom

uncomfortable feelings are not a sign of no flow
they can and often do indicate pending or imminent flow
being comfortable with uncomfortable leads to more flow

freedom is bought with a price
a price most people are not willing to pay
subtle nuances are the realm of mastery
which is acquired through practice

I learn nothing from flow
but sit at the feat of the true master – no flow
when my ego rises and takes over
no flow soon follows

staying humble allows flow leading to flow following flow

I turn off the light
I close my eyes
I do not see black
I see the same thing with eyes open and eyes closed

I see grey with patches of white
like clouds drifting across the sky
flow no flow is everywhere and in everything

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Musing About Romance

Musing about romance
what is it?

Why do so many people associate romance
with sex?

Sensual, sexual, love and affection
These can include romance…

…but they are not substitutes for romance

When you hear an English speaker say it
the sound falls flat

Say it in French… Italian… or Spanish
and you feel something

If ones feelings are muted, how then to
feel romance?

How to feel anything?
Unless it is SCREAMING!!!

Romance is all about feeling, subtle feelings…

Surprise… excitement… mystery… mystique…
adventure… allure… charm… glamour…

Remote from everyday life…

Ahhhhhhhh… I feel something stirring
new pathways are forming in my neocortex

Cheap, entitled, lazy, perfunctory, low ethics,
stress and worry about money are incompatible with

Effort must be invested, creativity and
Lifeforce infused

The desire to create an experience for
another person

Transport them to a far off reality
Where the cares and thoughts of everyday
life are left far behind
where magic and mystery are the currency
Is it possible to live this way everyday?
Is it possible to infuse ones own time
and activities with the essence of romance?

This would shift ones priorities
and have one valuing EXPERIENCES

Why not romance oneself?

Choose the romantic option

Linger over coffee
drive the long, winding way home
waste time on nonproductive things
wander the streets without a plan
burn incense, light candles, play chants
Give 50% or 100% or larger tips


Take moments to look deeply
into the eyes of a stranger
connecting with their soul
See who they really are
allow them to see YOU

Give feelings away
like they were wrapped
in a sumptuous box tied with a ribbon
like they are the currency of life
the most valuable, rare and precious
gifts that they are

So many people are addicted to drama
substances, lack and limitation
when feelings are FREE

FREE! no amount of money can buy
what can be obtained for free

The more you give…
…the more you receive

How cool is that?


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When I Think of Love


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The First Step

The first step to improving any area of life, career or business is to first acknowledge that there is something to improve. You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.

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Focus On What You Want

Many people focus on lessons, mistakes and what they don’t want. The most empowering point-of-view is to focus on what you want and to ask yourself questions that would lead to bridging the GAP.

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Little White Lies

Honesty is the best policy:  platitude or truism? How many times are we faced with the decision to be honest or to tell a “little white lie?” No one else may know or find out; however, you know and how do you feel about yourself?

There are many ways to tell the truth without the discomfort that most people avoid. It just takes a little effort to escape the black/white way of thinking.

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