Discover five simple steps to create your own luck!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be luckier than others? Maybe you feel lucky. Congratulations! Or, on the other hand, perhaps you feel that lady luck never comes knocking on your door.

I have often wondered what luck is and if there is a way to change my luck. I have spent a lot of time and energy pursuing answers to that question.

I grew up in a good, hard-working family that never seemed to have much luck. Life was challenging and a constant battle for survival. Money was hard to come by, and outside forces were constantly wreaking havoc on our dairy farm, animals, and finances. There were diseases, bugs, floods, and droughts, and it felt like a never-ending onslaught of bad luck. No wonder people connected to the land can develop a sense of superstition that some outside force is against us. All external forces have an observable effect on our quality of life.