Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Key Leverage Point

What Are Key Leverage Points?

This article explains why some people are 100x more productive and make 100x more money than you!

You will learn what Leverage is, how to identify Key Leverage Points, and how different leaders, employees, self-employed and business owners can apply Leverage to get more done in less time and dramatically increase their income!

You will discover how to use Leverage
to overcome resistance to change.

Work hard, go to school, get a degree, find a job, save money for retirement, and enjoy your golden years. Many of us are trained, programmed, and conditioned to live this way.

The focus of this advice is on security and hard work. We are told to live below our means and to delay gratification until retirement. But what if we retire without enough resources, medical bills drain our savings, or god forbid we die before we retire? Who wants to work themselves to death?

A small group of leaders can make a huge impact on the lives of millions of people. A single decision can cause ripples to expand and widen its effects, just like the wolves of Yellowstone.

When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park after an absence of nearly 70 years, an incredible “trophic cascade” occurred. What is a trophic cascade and how exactly do wolves change rivers? George Monbiot explains in this riveting mashup.

For the Yellowstone environment, the wolves were the Key Leverage Point. Without them, the park declined, species died away, riverbanks eroded, the flora and fauna receded. By returning a small group of wolves, the entire park’s environment changed and lush, verdant new life returned.This is a very good example of how we can be optimistic about our own lives and planet earth as an ecosystem. It is easy to feel pessimistic, doubt what one person or a small group can do, stop trying, and give up.

This is a very good example of how we can be optimistic about our own lives and planet earth as an ecosystem. It is easy to feel pessimistic, doubt what one person or a small group can do, stop trying, and give up.

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