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Tag: Health

Intermittent Fasting

Secret Sugar

The story in this video serves as a very graphic reminder of how much sugar is hidden in our everyday foods. No, we are not talking about junk foods! There is so much sugar in our so-called healthy food that it isn’t healthy at all.

Damon Gameau embarks on a bold experiment to consume foods that are thought to be healthy, however, are loaded with sugar. See for yourself what happens.

Time to cut the sugar!

75-Year Study: Good Relationships Keep Us Happier and Healthier

From Harvard Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, edited by Andrew John Harrison.

Ask most young people what they want from life and they will tell you money and fame. Landmark 75-year study of what actually matters reveals lessons that aren’t about wealth or fame or working harder and harder. The clearest message that we get is this:

Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.

Harvard’s Grant & Glueck study tracked the physical and emotional well-being of 268 male graduates from Harvard, as well as 456 poor men growing up in Boston from 1939 to 2014. Multiple generations of researchers analyzed brain scans, blood samples, self-reported surveys and interactions of these men to compile their findings.

The conclusions are simple. Close relationships can make or break a person’s well-being, according to Robert Waldinger, Harvard professor of psychology and director of the center that sponsored the study.

The study reveals the following lessons:


Good health is like the weather, most people are so busy rushing here and there – that they don’t stop to notice how they are feeling until it is raining cats and dogs or freezing cold!

Don’t wait until you get sick to do something about your health…

The Impact Our Genes Have on Our Health

Our predisposition to certain types of disease has been handed down to us by our ancestors via our genes. If your family has a high incidence of heart disease – then you have a higher chance of getting heart disease than if your family has a low incidence of heart disease. Knowing your family health history is critical to empower you to take preventative actions before you become another family statistic.

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