Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Generalized Principles

Nature is Efficient

This video is from the series “The Code”. With a simple bubble demonstration, we can see how nature doesn’t waste anything and is always defaulting to the most efficient use of resources.

By studying nature, we can discover Generalized Principles that are true in every case and can be applied to improve human life. Because we are a part of nature, what applies to bubbles, applies to us.

Think about it.

The Anticipatory Leader: Principles to Make the World Work

Fuller’s Leadership Principles:

  1. Think comprehensively.
  2. Anticipate the future.
  3. Respect gestation rates.
  4. Envision the best possible future.
  5. Be a “trim tab”—an individual who can initiate big changes.
  6. Take individual initiative.
  7. Ask the obvious and naive questions.
  8. Do more with less.
  9. Seek to reform the environment, not man.
  10. Solve problems through action.

Man knows so much and does so little.

Buckminster Fuller: The Geodesic Life

Anjou and I were deeply impacted by the life, works, and philosophies of Bucky. Many of his concepts and principles inspired us to create the Goldzone Group and Renaissance for Leaders.

Learn more about Bucky “R. Buckminster Fuller” on Wikipedia > here or at the Buckminster Fuller Institue > here.

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