Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Flow

Nature is Efficient

This video is from the series “The Code”. With a simple bubble demonstration, we can see how nature doesn’t waste anything and is always defaulting to the most efficient use of resources.

By studying nature, we can discover Generalized Principles that are true in every case and can be applied to improve human life. Because we are a part of nature, what applies to bubbles, applies to us.

Think about it.

Struggle vs FLOW

Discover five simple steps to create your own luck!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be luckier than others? Maybe you feel lucky. Congratulations! Or, on the other hand, perhaps you feel that lady luck never comes knocking on your door.

I have often wondered what luck is and if there is a way to change my luck. I have spent a lot of time and energy pursuing answers to that question.

I grew up in a good, hard-working family that never seemed to have much luck. Life was challenging and a constant battle for survival. Money was hard to come by, and outside forces were constantly wreaking havoc on our dairy farm, animals, and finances. There were diseases, bugs, floods, and droughts, and it felt like a never-ending onslaught of bad luck. No wonder people connected to the land can develop a sense of superstition that some outside force is against us. All external forces have an observable effect on our quality of life.

Flow no Flow

What doesn’t flow is also flow
blocks to flow provide guidance
guidance is invaluable and rare
opinions are everywhere

everyone has an opinion
gleaned from experience + interpretation
do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that

flow has no opinion
no one can argue with flow
yet so many people insist on going against the flow
or they surrender and float downstream
this is meaningless
for even a dead fish can float downstream

do not be a dead fish

engage with and respond to flow
create flow
follow flow
share flow with others

look for flow no flow
know when to apply force to no flow
and when to let go

Sometimes things don’t flow
because an “attitude” needs adjusting
an expectation needs re-setting

subtle feelings reveal flow
this is void if you are numb
numb is as close to nearly dead as you can get
dead is the total absence of flow

spend time with numb people and you will experience no flow
crazy people have lots of flow… all over the place
subtle wont work on numb
bricks, sledge hammers and massive force are what works

desperate, terror, lost, lonely, sad, angry, happy, are all degrees of flow
they don’t all go in the same direction
some lead up – others lead down
whatever you wont feel – you will suppress
suppression leads to no flow
flow leads to freedom

uncomfortable feelings are not a sign of no flow
they can and often do indicate pending or imminent flow
being comfortable with uncomfortable leads to more flow

freedom is bought with a price
a price most people are not willing to pay
subtle nuances are the realm of mastery
which is acquired through practice

I learn nothing from flow
but sit at the feat of the true master – no flow
when my ego rises and takes over
no flow soon follows

staying humble allows flow leading to flow following flow

I turn off the light
I close my eyes
I do not see black
I see the same thing with eyes open and eyes closed

I see grey with patches of white
like clouds drifting across the sky
flow no flow is everywhere and in everything

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ZONE TIPS > Your Feelings Are Not Reliable

Feelings are important to our experience of living as human beings. It is said that all mammals have some feelings; however, as a human being, we have the widest range of feelings. Beyond the basic triad of pain, pleasure and numb, we have a lot of nuances to describe how we feel at any given moment — about everything we experience.

When it comes to making decisions, even the most rational, seemingly emotionless decision-makers are, unbeknownst to them, influenced by their feelings — even if they are not consciously aware of them. Even no feeling is a feeling.

Because of past things that have happened to us (both real and imagined) we tend to have conflicting emotions, as well as stacks of misplaced emotions, that get projected onto items, areas, subjects and people that they do not belong to.


There is a graduated scale from ultimate truth to ultimate untruth. Most people think that a little untruth is OK and tell little lies to others and to themselves. The worst lies are the ones we tell to ourselves – and believe. Why? Because if you believe your own lies – then your perception becomes inaccurate to the same degree.  This is often why many people struggle and work hard only to find that success eludes them…

Think of ultimate truth as being the ultimate accuracy, and the ultimate untruth being the ultimate inaccuracy. The more accuracy – the more flow; so if you want more flow in your life, career or business… go for more truth.

ZONE TIPS > Staying “In The Zone”

Most people know what “The Zone” is and have experienced moments in The Zone in their career, sports, money, etc. Typically these moments are infrequent and unpredictable at best, and most people have no idea how to get in The Zone whenever and wherever they choose.

The Zone feels like a quiet excitement with intensified focus. You feel a sense of confidence, total concentration, and an intense awareness. Your movements are easy, flowing and especially coordinated. You lose all sense of time as if another dimension has been added. You are completely focused on what you are doing and all other thoughts and feelings diminish.


What is clarity and how does it apply to leadership?

Clarity refers to the clearness in what you are thinking and the quality of being clearly expressed and understood. As a leader, the clearer you are, the more effective you are. The more unclear you are, the more inefficient and ineffective your actions will be.

So clarity is critical to effective leadership!

How do you get clear? Is it a case of sitting down and thinking everything through thoroughly? In our experience more mental processing does not lead to more clarity… it leads to a reinforcement of the same thinking that was unclear in the first place!

To get clear requires a process of unthinking or unlearning in which the emotional and psychological layers are peeled off to reveal the core “truth.” This core truth or idea results in a cognition or “ah ha!”

The resultant clarity is palpable. Decisions made from this place are usually the right ones that lead to more clarity and more results.

The Struggle

What is the main cause of struggle in terms of leadership?

When you find yourself in struggle, it is most often just a resistance to change.

Definition of FLOW

The definition of FLOW is:

“Being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost.”

– Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

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