Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Family

Financial Crisis: What to Say to Your Loved Ones

Many people have their self-worth hardwired to their net-worth. I referred to this phenomenon in Towers of Glass, Feet of Clay.  Perhaps this is the single biggest reason it is a good idea to build a glass tower around yourself in the first place. So, what happens when the waves of impact touch your reality and this tower is about to blow apart from the tension, shattering everything within its shadow?

Family Leadership

Leadership skills are as vital at home and in family situations as they are in the office and on teams. In fact, many people’s leadership behaviors at the office either mirrors or is the exact opposite of their leadership behavior at home. An example of the latter is the power executive who dominates everyone at the office, and when it comes to home and family matters – abdicates everything to others.

We are at the effect of anything that we abdicate… Taking responsibility means including ourselves in both work and family leadership situations.

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