Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Emotion & Behavior Page 3 of 4

LIFEFORCE: Your Power Source

With today’s workplaces becoming more and more about living than they are about money and finances alone, and with the pressure to infuse our companies, organizations, and professions with passion and aliveness, we must become more passionate, alive and balanced ourselves.

The challenge is how do we do this? And what will it take to unblock our passion and creativity? Ask yourself these questions:

What do I have to do to become more alive, alert, energetic and enthusiastic?

How do I inspire my team to change? How do I handle the stress caused by the fast pace of change? How do I inspire my team to take personal responsibility for their results and their failures? How do I cope with failure? How do I create a work environment that is conducive to productivity? How do I bring more of the personal assets of my people into the workplace?

Passion, aliveness, enthusiasm, and responsibility are all infused with energy and the source of this energy is LIFEFORCE.

Dealing with Unwanted Emotions/Feelings

Dealing with unwanted feelings can be a very tricky thing.  It can often lead to upsets and a lot of unhappiness in relationships between people.

The purpose of this article is to provide some understanding of feelings, their purpose in our lives, and to provide a guideline for expressing one’s feelings in an appropriate manner.

Fragmentation Leads to Stress

Futurists commonly predict that we are moving away from separate personal and professional lives towards a life where our personal and professional lives are fully integrated.

For many of us, our lives have developed as fragmented sections or compartments. We are one way at work, and altogether different in our personal life. This leads to a split personality: the work persona and the home persona and never the twain shall meet. Our feelings get left at home, and the very fabric of what makes us human gets left out of the workplace.

Serotonin and Judgment

Depression is one of the most common challenges facing individuals and businesses today. More than the blues, the overall feeling of doom can trigger some people to act irrationally. Recent studies indicate that low levels of serotonin (a brain chemical) can in part lead to an overall insensitivity to future consequences, setting off impulsive and aggressive behaviors…

The Weather and Your Mood

Have you ever noticed that when the weather is warm, the air is clear and the sky is blue – you feel upbeat, optimistic and happy? On the other hand, when the weather is extremely hot or cold, the air is polluted and the sky is overcast – you feel depressed, pessimistic and unhappy?

I Will Believe it – When I See It?

Most people have the attitude, “I will believe it when I see it.”  This is the opposite of the visionary attitude, “I will see it when I believe it.” What is your attitude?

Spiritual Beings

If we are indeed spiritual beings in a physical body, how much time do we spend focusing on our spirit versus time spent on the physical aspects of our lives?

Are You Present?

Anytime you find yourself making a few little mistakes, experiencing near misses, and forgetting things, take a moment and ask yourself if you are “present, here now?”  Or, is there a part of yourself (your attention and/or awareness) that is stuck on something in the past or on an unsolved problem?

Unsolved problems can cause us to be “not present.”

Just identifying what is going on can help us become more present and the mistakes and near misses will reduce.

Obviously, you are going to have to solve the problem to remain present in the long term.


Not knowing what you are feeling is not the same as not feeling anything. – Andrew John Harrison


Denial of Feelings Can Lead to Irrational Actions

Many people who deny their feelings in order to make rational decisions are inadvertently making emotional decisions.

If you ignore, suppress or deny the emotional aspect – you will end up being totally influenced by the emotion.  All the while, you’re thinking you are using reason and being totally rational!

The best decisions are made after taking into account how something feels – then making an optimum decision that includes logic, reason and emotion.

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