Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Education

Zone LEARNING > The Fastest Way to Learn Anything!


It’s time to bring back the joy of learning.

Consider how we learned as children. We touched everything, tasted everything, played with everything, asked questions about everything. All our senses were engaged in a process of discovering the world around us.

What the Bleep is Consciousness?

Talking about consciousness is a fashionable subject these days. As if it is a new religion, trend or fashion. A lot of so-called “spiritual” people use it to judge others as being less “evolved” and ignorant.

I say, bleep that!

Consciousness is a simple concept that a 5-year-old child can understand. Sandy, the dog is conscious, whereas Teddy the teddy bear is not. Sandy runs around and responds, Teddy just sits there and does not move. When children play-act, they know they are pretending. It’s not real. When the plastic scissors are used to cut Teddy’s hair, they know it is just a game!

Many adults forget this simple truth and go through life play-acting for real!

Changing Education Paradigms, Fully Alive vs Nearly Dead

Disruption is here. We believe it is time to innovate and reinvent how we educate our children and re-educate our adults for today’s reality.

What would happen if we customized the learning experience to each individual?

Everyone is Born a Genius

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Left Foot, Right Foot

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The Reason I Know So Much

Mistakes - FULLER.png

If I Ran a School

If I Ran a School - FULLER.png

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