
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Tag: Bill Gates

Can You Buy More Time?

Money can buy you a lot of things and experiences including education, opportunities, freedom, comfort, the necessities of life, luxuries, etc.

Some say money can’t buy you happiness and love. I say it can, to a point. Try being poor and see how you like it.

If you are a nasty person who is very unattractive on the inside, money can buy you the appearance of love, and someone to spend your time with who is a real beauty.

Studies show that beyond a minimum amount of money to meet your minimum needs for food, clothing, shelter, entertainment, education and some leisure time, money’s utility to make us happy diminishes. What money can buy you is control over your time. From that point on you are free to choose how you spend your time. If you are like most people in Richland, living in the Rat Race you suffer from Time Poverty.

The real luxury in life is the time do what you want with the people you love.

Everyone Needs A Coach

The world’s best actors, athletes, investors, and business people have coaches. Most average and ordinary people see having a coach as unnecessary, expensive, and a waste of money.


If a coach could help you to double your income, isn’t that a good investment?

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