Discover five simple steps to create your own luck!
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be luckier than others? Maybe you feel lucky. Congratulations! Or, on the other hand, perhaps you feel that lady luck never comes knocking on your door.
I have often wondered what luck is and if there is a way to change my luck. I have spent a lot of time and energy pursuing answers to that question.
I grew up in a good, hard-working family that never seemed to have much luck. Life was challenging and a constant battle for survival. Money was hard to come by, and outside forces were constantly wreaking havoc on our dairy farm, animals, and finances. There were diseases, bugs, floods, and droughts, and it felt like a never-ending onslaught of bad luck. No wonder people connected to the land can develop a sense of superstition that some outside force is against us. All external forces have an observable effect on our quality of life.
We had enough food due to thrift, a garden, fruit trees, cows, sheep, and chickens. At least that is the way I remember it. Birthdays and Christmas were not a time for luxuries or gifts — but practical things like clothes and work boots. Or perhaps a new school uniform. Oh, and by the way, the school didn’t have a uniform — it was cheaper to wear the same clothes every day.
Money was always hard to come by, and I learned that I would have to work hard, sacrifice, live with pain and suffering, and exert massive effort to get ahead.
But who says this is true?
There is a vast difference between applying effort to a goal or purpose and struggling to make ends meet. So why are we told so often that it is noble to sacrifice and struggle only to make it barely?
The underlying belief is that life, resources, and even love are scarce and in short supply. That we have to compete with other people for them, to win at all costs, and that we have to earn love, respect, and acceptance.
What if this is a lie?
What if life, resources, and love are abundant? Free and all around us? What if we don’t have to struggle but accept that there is a lack of knowledge about living a life of effortless FLOW? Think about the possibilities — all desirable things in life flowing in your direction.
Knowledge seems to be the missing element.
We do have to make choices, sometimes tough ones. At the same time, is there an alternative to sacrificing, endless hard work, and barely getting by?
Could it be easy? Could we create our own luck? I say YES!
If you create your own luck, struggling could be called lacking luck. The struggle results from taking action and applying effort infused with negative emotions. Desperation, attachment, and fear work against you.
Suppose you replace negative association and attachment with positive expectation, certainty, and detachment from outcomes. In that case, you may experience more ease, peace, and FLOW. You will still apply hard work and effort; however, the result will flow without struggle.
The inside reflects the outside.
Most people don’t realize that our lives reflect our innermost feelings, beliefs, and attitudes. When you change on the inside, your outside results change. How you think and feel in the present moment determines your outcomes in the future.
Think about it this way: Accepting responsibility for your life means taking ownership of creating your destiny. If you experience struggle, you make it by your feelings about your circumstances. Switch your emotions, and you will change from struggle to flow — a simple concept yet very profound concept.
In other words, it is your feelings that make the difference! Your feelings are the key drivers of your actions, and your actions are what create your outcomes in life.
Because we are trained, programmed, and conditioned to struggle, we often accept this as normal. We don’t realize that an alternative way of life is possible. A reality of abundance and effortless flow is not considered because our conditioning doesn’t allow us to recognize it.
There is a way out of the constant struggle to create our own luck. Here are the steps:
The first step:
Consider that struggle isn’t fait accompli and identify all the areas where you are struggling. You will need courage and the willingness to accept the responsibility of causing the struggle. You have the power to choose something different to move into more flow. Once you accept that, you know with absolute certainty that all your struggles can be eliminated from your life over time.
The second step:
Write a list of all the areas of life where you are struggling. Don’t be shy or modest. List them all, and even the ones hiding in your life’s secret corners.
The third step:
Prioritize your list to arrive at an order of importance to focus on one area at a time. The best approach is to resolve one area before beginning on the next one. If you try to do too much at once, it is easy to become overwhelmed, feel like it is impossible, then give up. Sadly, most people give up before they even really begin. Don’t be one of those people and complete what you start!
The fourth step:
Consider your underlying emotions and thoughts, innermost feelings, beliefs, and attitudes towards this one area of struggle. Make a conscious decision to let go of the struggle and to embrace more effortless flow in this area. Take note of any “inner voice” that replies with fear and doubts if this is possible. You can do it!
Meditate on it and affirm your choice to become lucky in this area. Let go of any payoffs for the past struggle.
You will find that your feelings shift from agitation, negativity, and attachment to peace and serenity. Calm and confident expectation attracts new, fresh energy that attracts more similar energy into your life.
Once you have transformed this first area from struggle to flow, move on to the next item on your priority list and repeat the same process. Take ownership of your feelings and transform them.
The fifth step:
Next, please list the most influential people in your life and consider how their lives are struggling or flowing. Share this concept with them and work together to implement these five steps. The more people you encourage, support, and share, then you will experience more flow.
Starting today, commit to letting go and transforming one aspect of struggle daily. Be sure to record your progress from scarcity to abundance.
Good luck! Bon chance! Let us know how you get on.
Andrew John Harrison
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Leadership Advocate and Co-Founder of the Goldzone Group. I help leaders to master the new rules of leadership for the new economy. Over the past 30 years, I have visited more than 500 cities in 54 countries to explore, learn from, and help many of the world’s leading companies, leaders, and luminaries in science, technology, health, finance, and entrepreneurship.