Join Harrison and Victoria for a 60-minute dive deep into why understanding how to sell as a leader is your leverage to increase your value, income, revenue, and so much more!

If you are not selling, you are leaving money on the table.

No, I am not talking about:

→ Promoting yourself.
→ Promoting your products and services.
→ Convincing people how great you or your services/products are.
→ Giving your expert advice.
→ Knowing what to say to people.

The key element in selling is to help people see how you can help them, emotionally not logically.

To help someone see it, they have to feel it.

They won’t buy it if they can’t feel it.

The 2 primary emotions that drive actions are:

→ Pain and anger.
→ Pain of not having something by not taking action.
→ Pain of current situation if they don’t take action.
→ The pain of not doing it must be greater than spending money, time, and energy.
→ Angry with the current situation and motivated to do something about it.

Here are some general principles I found:

→ People generally are more willing to spend when they need to put in minimum effort to see the return.
→ The easiest things to sell are connected to monetary return with minimum time and effort involved.
→ People will spend money to look and feel good.
→ People will buy products or services that give them pleasure to avoid pain.

If you want to be able to charge more, your ability and confidence to handle high-level conversations and help them implement is what makes the difference.