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Blame Game

Accusations exchanged between people who refuse to accept responsibility for an undesirable event, loss or failure. Finger pointing and scapegoating are common techniques used to divert attention and focus on a person who is assigned fault. Whenever money is lost, emotions run high and the Blame Game kicks into high gear.

Conventional Wisdom

The ideas, explanations, and beliefs that are generally accepted as true by the general public or experts in the field. Though widely held, these ideas and pieces of advice are neither examined or validated. Many of these thought forms are no longer true (if they ever were), perpetuating them maintains the status quo.

False Conclusion

In the process of everyday life, we make decisions after evaluating data from various sources, knowledge, past experiences, other peoples’ opinions, etc. If any of the premises or data inputs is wrong, it may lead us to a conclusion that is not accurate or false. In order to process large amounts of data in the shortest period of time, our brains use previous assumptions to evaluate and make a decision. If one or several of the past assumptions was or has become false or inaccurate, it will lead to successive inaccurate conclusions. Holistic education is the most effective way to develop emotional intelligence and critical thinking. For most adults, unlearning inaccurate conclusions, false assumptions and replacing these with newer, more effective models of the world, data and critical thinking skills provides a foundation for upward social and financial mobility.

Red Herring

Something that intentionally misleads or distracts from the real problem, matter at hand, or important issue. It may be an emotional issue, logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers, audiences or participants towards a false conclusion. When two people are disagreeing over who is to blame for a problem, one party will often accuse the other or divert attention from themselves using one or several red herrings.


The process of worldwide interaction and integration of people, companies, and governments. For thousands of years, people have been trading with each other across long distances and in the process shared ideas, beliefs, and culture. The opening of borders, reduction of tariffs, the free movement of people, goods and capital, music, movies, combined with reduced transportation costs and technology has accelerated global integration and the export of American cultural values. English has dominated as the global language, with a global culture of entertainment, fashion and design emerging.


1. The state or condition of being entitled. 2. A right to benefits specified especially by law or contract. 3. A government program providing benefits to members of a specified group. 4. The belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges or special treatment. 5. An unrealistic, exaggerated, or rigidly held sense of entitlement may be considered a symptom of narcissistic personality disorder, seen in those who because of early frustrations arrogate to themselves the right to demand lifelong reimbursement from fate or everyone they meet!

Taken Care Of

An unspoken goal of many people who do not want to work or give anything. They often do nothing and have someone else work to make money to pay their bills. They either marry a rich person, inherit money, or marry a workhorse and obligate them into the rat race while they retire and pretend to be busy.

Rat Race

An endless, frustrating, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit that conjures images of lab rats racing through a maze to get the cheese, much like society racing to get ahead financially. Commonly associated with an exhausting, repetitive and overscheduled work that leaves little time or energy for relaxation or enjoyment. Burdened with financial obligations and responsibility to pay mortgages/rent, cars, credit cards, children and a never-ending cycle of consumption, digging deeper into financial holes, stress, worry, fear and lack of choices. Doomed to put up with dead-end jobs, careers, and relationships, living paycheck to paycheck with no end in sight. This lifestyle happens independently of income level, with many high-income earners unable to quit the treadmill. The key to winning this race is: don’t be a rat.


A soul-destroying addiction that changes people’s personality and the values they live by. Greed, recognition, attention, love and admiration from working longer and longer hours replace self-satisfaction of a job well done and intrinsic self-worth and esteem. Family member relationships are strained, distorted and often result in broken homes. Eventually, the loss of health, personal and professional integrity follow. Unfettered capitalism, greed, and worshipping success and money feed this addiction.


A fictitious country that is designed from scratch to personify all the excesses of capitalism, greed, workaholism, and consumerism to create a society that is soulless, heartless, and unhappy. The value of citizens is measured by their job title, salary, and sacrifices made in the pursuit of money, wealth, status, success, and recognition. Love is measured by external factors, rather than internally, inequality reaches extreme levels with an attitude towards the less fortunate that they have access to the same opportunities and don’t make anything of themselves, therefore they are undeserving. The media spews bad news, while the future is talked up frantically with pollyanna optimism. Art, aesthetic, nature, philosophy, and spirituality are devalued and discouraged as wastes of time and opportunity. Rich celebrities and capitalists are celebrated while kindness and compassion are marginalized due to a low perceived ROI. Working longer and longer hours are seen as heroic with intense competition for who can sacrifice the most personal life for the career, for success, and for recognition. Vacations are frowned on for people who are not committed. An inability to relax leads to a frenetic pace of life that is classic time poverty, with heart disease and depression masked by fashion, youth, and artificial beauty.

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