We have added a new forum function to renaissanceforleaders.com for the community to post, interact, ask questions and get answers.

We realize that with today’s social media, Twitter, Facebook posts, pages, and groups it may seem that old-fashioned forums are no longer useful. We love the instant interaction of these mediums, however, with forums, you can read old posts, share across time and space and all with like-minded people on the same quest. Searching by topic and seeing everyone’s comments is invaluable!

The more the forum is used, the more valuable it becomes.

Forums are open to everyone to read, however you have to be a member to comment. If you haven’t become a member yet, you can do so > here.

We will continue to host groups on Facebook, and for more engaged, topic-specific discussion, you can’t beat the forums.

The Renaissance for LEADERS Forums are accessed via the “Community” tab on the top right-hand side of the main menu at the top of the page or > here.