
Peak Performance Resources for Leaders by Leaders

Month: August 2013

Our World Is Changing: Think Like A Leader

We are living through one of the most profound periods of transformation in recent human history.  Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate.  The way we live, the way we work and the way we do business are changing dramatically.

No longer is it an option to maintain our position by doing today, what we did yesterday.  We are no longer competing with the professional or the firm down the road, but rather the highly skilled, more motivated, and lower cost individual or firm on the other side of the planet.

In order to do well in the future, we must begin to think more like leaders than managers, more like entrepreneurs than employees, take responsibility for our quality of life, upgrade our skills and become more aware of the value we add to our teams, our projects, and our organizations.

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Knowledge Capital & Personal Development

Since more than 3/4 of the top-developed nation’s working population are engaged in the service sectors, the intellectual capital and varying levels of development of these people are a major factor in a nation’s competitiveness.

And so it is among competing firms.  They do similar things, with the same people, for similar clients, using similar technology at more or less the same prices.  However, data shows that there are wide differences in performance between competing firms.  Why is this?  What is the key factor that is different?

A business is comprised of a group of people who have come together to play a specific role in the success of the business.  If the business is to grow, then its people must grow.  If the people are small-minded, unmotivated and not very creative – then the business will reflect this.

On the other hand, if the team members see themselves as vital, contributing, and able to excel, then the business will reflect this also.  Many organizations invest time and money in the professional development of their people; however, they neglect their team’s personal development.

Investing in the ongoing personal development and training of your team is one of the best investments you can make.  If someone makes $50,000 a year and can generate you $500,000 in value, why not take this person and increase their skill, ability, talent, attitude, and education, so that they can add a million dollars in value?

A $50,000 investment that brings a $1 million return is a very, very valuable asset.  There is no better investment that companies can make than in the education and development of their own people.

Areas of personal development include:

  • Relationship skills
  • Interpersonal communication skills
  • Emotional health and self-esteem
  • Personal responsibility
  • Self-motivation
  • Financial Intelligence
  • Personal Leadership

We Are All Leaders

Remember that all of us are leaders, whether we want to be or not.  Leading is a part of life.  Being a good leader means greater satisfaction in your personal and business life…  Since you must lead, why not be good at it?  It can make a big difference to your results and overall quality of life.

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Project Work & Multifunctional Teams

A dramatic change in the structure of modern organizations is transforming the very nature of work.  The traditional position descriptions that are part of a formal, rigid, hierarchical organizational structure are changing into loosely structured, multifunctional virtual project teams.

These virtual project teams work across time zones and borders as part of multiple project teams.  They can be easily assembled and dissembled at the completion of the project.

Set Your Expectations High

One technique many people use to get what they want is to set their expectations so low – that they are guaranteed to meet them. This way they avoid disappointment and over time settle for less and less.

The key to having an inspiring and fulfilling life is exactly the opposite… To set expectations HIGH and to change what is in the way of realizing the highest ideal scenario. Having high expectations requires work… It requires learning… It requires letting go of the past… However the benefits are well worth it – I promise!

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